Thursday, March 5, 2009

ANTM - Pet Peeves

I've not even started on the second part of the ANTM premiere but I've already been reminded of my pet peeves about the show. Having any part in any of the following tends to lower my estimation of a model.

1. "I'm a small town/country girl"
Oh puh-lease. I'm from the most rural of rural Ireland. I could see sheep and Catholics from my house and yet you don't see me scurrying about pretending I've never seen running water and four inch heels.

2. "This is not America's Next Best Friend" and variants of same
Yeah, you're absolutely right. Your best bet to get through this is totally to alienate those around you. It's not like you all have to live together or anything.

3. "My Granny/auntie/secondcousin'sneighbour is from [insert name of random SouthAmerican country here] so I got booty"
To which I say:
I wanted a Brazilian grandmother and all I got were these wide, Irish hips.

4. Insane screaming, usually accompanied by hyper handclapping and foot stomping.
This is especially grating when we know you do.not.know the guest judge you're creaming over. Calm, ladies. Gather.

5. Girl-on-Girl crime
Please be nice to each other. Please. It's not much to ask, is it?

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